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Partnership with Economic Development Australia

REMPLAN has worked with Economic Development Australia for many years, both at a National and State and Territory level. Many of EDA’s members are also clients of REMPLAN and we greatly value the relationship we have with economic practitioners across Australia.

Established in 2007, Economic Development Australia (EDA) is the peak national body for economic development practitioners, strengthening and promoting economic development through state and national events, professional development, advocacy and member support. With over 500 members across Australia, EDA offers a vast array of benefits and opportunities for economic development professionals to connect with their industry and raise their visibility, boost knowledge, skills and practice and influence economic development policy.

To further strengthen our relationship with EDA, REMPLAN is pleased to partner with EDA National to provide online National and State/Territory Economy Profiles for the benefit of EDA members. These profiles are aimed to assist economic development practitioners lift the performance of economic development throughout Australia.

In addition to the online profiles, REMPLAN has provided Economic Snapshots for each State and Territory which identify some key economic trends which have occurred between 2011 and 2016. The snapshots look at the differences in Gross Regional Product, Output, Employment, Wages & Salaries, Regional Exports, Value-Added and Population and provide commentary on the significant changes.

Both the online profiles and snapshots can be viewed on the EDA website at

If you have any questions or would like any further information about REMPLAN’s products or services please contact us on 1300 737 443 or

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