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Australian Business Economic Impact Survey (ABEIS) – Results

Thank you to all the businesses that have responded to the COVID-19 Australian Business Economic Impact Survey (ABEIS). 

As the responses continue to be received from across Australia, we are increasingly able to provide government agencies with useful, current data on the experiences of businesses due to the COVID pandemic. 

As responses have increased these insights are now available for many states and territories, and recently for some regions and local government areas as well. 

We are achieving strong local government area level responses where the survey is being actively communicated to local businesses.  

REMPLAN is providing unidentified survey results to any local, state or federal government agency that makes a requestWith the survey having been open for its first month, the results to date are now available and will now be updated on a weekly basis Importantly, your organisation does not have to be a REMPLAN client to access the results.  


How do I request results? 

Dozens of government agencies have already requested and been provided access to the results. If you work for a government organisation and would like access, please contact us at, or click the ‘Get in touch’ link at the bottom of this page.  


How do I access the survey results after I have made a request? 

Results of the ABEIS are being delivered through the Custom Apps tab in your REMPLAN software as a new ‘COVID-19 Survey’ application (image below).  

For clients who already have one or more custom applications (such as employment forecastsregional labour force statisticseconomic profiles, and the like), the COVID-19 Survey tab will appear next to these in the dark grey navigation ribbon.  

For all other clients, next time you log in to your software you will see a new Custom Apps tab alongside the ‘Forecast’ tab in the website header. 

To download results for a regionlog in to your REMPLAN Economy, Community or Forecast software and: 

  1. Select the Custom Apps tab in the header 
  2. Navigate to the COVID-19 Survey application tab  
  3. Select an available region from the dropdown box. The doughnut chart will change to display the number of responses for the region you have selected.  
  4. Download the excel spreadsheet for that region by clicking the ‘Download all data’ button on the right of the screen.  


Survey Response Rates

We have found that organisations who are actively promoting the survey through a variety of channels are getting more responses, and as a result more localised insights.

Where responses are low the data will be representative of the respondents only.  If we achieve many responses, then the findings will become representative of the wider local business community.  Therefore, the more responses the better!

If your region does not have many responses, we recommend using the State or National results to gain an understanding of what is occurring at an industry sector level.

If you would like to promote the survey to businesses in your region, feel free to distribute the survey links through your regular channels with your business networks or have your IT department incorporate the survey button in your own website (see links and code below).

Links and code for promoting the ABEIS

Long link

Short link

Embed code for survey button

<div><a href=”“><img  src=”” target=”_blank” width=”239″ height=”153″ alt=”COVID-19 Australian Business Economic Impact Survey” /></a></div>


What if my organisation doesn’t have a subscription to REMPLAN software?

For those government organisations that do not have an active subscription to REMPLAN software, we will provide you with temporary access to REMPLAN (no cost), which will enable you to access the survey results through the COVID-19 Survey application.


About the survey

The survey will be open for at least the duration of the COVID-19 crisis. Businesses will be encouraged to respond several times throughout the crisis as policy and circumstances change.

REMPLAN is taking snapshots of the survey results on a weekly and monthly basis, which will enable time series analysis and monitoring of the changing impacts and sentiments from businesses over time.

As always, we welcome your support in disseminating this survey within your own network of local businesses.

Survey link:

Click the button below to take the survey




If you would like to discuss the ABEIS and survey results, please call 1300 737 443.

Kind regards,
The REMPLAN team


Get in touch ›


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